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LMI to Partner with FBC Jacksonville

Updated: Apr 3, 2022


Today, the Lindsay Memorial Initiative (LMI) announces a formal partnership with First Baptist Church of Jacksonville to preserve and digitize church-owned media assets related to the life and ministry of Drs. Homer G. Lindsay, Jr. and Sr.

As part of this agreement, First Baptist has agreed on a preliminary plan to transport hundreds of tapes from the late 1970s through the end of Dr. Lindsay, Jr.'s ministry to LMI for cataloging, preservation and digitization. LMI remains dedicated to its goal of making all of the Lindsays' content available online and free of charge.

"This is a monumental effort," says Travis Maclay, one of the LMI founding members. "There are thousands of hours of content that need to be reviewed and preserved before the process of digital conversion can even begin." LMI is currently seeking volunteers on a number of fronts, including physical transport of assets, cataloging and indexing operations, digital conversion, building out cloud IT infrastructure, and designing Websites.

LMI encourages anyone interested in becoming involved in this project to visit


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"In every decision you make, keep your eye on your goal. But also, keep your eye on Jesus and keep your eye on heaven. I'll tell you, if you do, the hand of God will be upon you all the days of your life. And God will do marvelous things in and through you. That which you could never, ever have accomplished in your own strength. But in the strength of Almighty God, anything, and everything, is possible."
-Dr. Homer G. Lindsay, Jr.

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